Academic Affairs Division - Office of the Provost


The Provost is the Chief Academic Officer of the University, and oversees the financial, human resource, programming, and operational aspects of Ort Library as well as three colleges at Frostburg State University: the College of Business, Engineering, and Computational & Mathematical Sciences, the College of Education and Health & Natural Sciences, and the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social & Behavioral Sciences.

The primary goals of the Office of Academic Affairs include:

  • Academic Program Transformation, including innovative course delivery, streamlined program majors emphasizing experiential opportunities, and program expansion in areas of market demands and needs.

  • Implementation of a dynamic Academic Success Network that will provide greater student academic support and assistance, reduction in the number of students on academic probation, and an increase in student retention, while concurrently facilitating student progress to degree in four years.

  • Continued fiscal efficiency and directing resources to areas of focus consistent with the University Mission and Strategic Plan.

Further, the Office of the Provost is responsible for facilitating the admission of students and delivery of high quality academic programs throughout the University. To achieve these goals, we collaborate with FSU faculty and staff to:

  • ensure a smooth process of students’ admission into our university,
  • develop, implement, and revise academic programs to ensure the offering of high quality of education to our students,
  • assign faculty positions, 3) ensure fair decision-making process regarding tenure and promotion of faculty,
  • facilitate and support faculty professional development,
  • facilitate availability of financial aid to our students, and
  • offer our students high quality orientation and advising services.

It is our ultimate goal to fulfill our responsibilities in support of our university’s mission and student success with commitment to our ethical, financial, legal, and moral obligations to the institutional internal and external constituencies.

Thank you for visiting the site of our Academic Affairs Office, and for any questions, concerns and suggestions, please do not hesitate to call our office at 301.687.4436. 



Office of the Provost

  • Frostburg State University
    Hitchins Building, Room 213
    101 Braddock Road  
    Frostburg, MD 21532-2303
  • 301-687-4211
  • 301-687-7960

Traki Taylor, Provost
Office of the Provost

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